First watch this.
I need to remember to watch this video more often.
Next time I complain that if I only would have learn Italian or French my life would be much more sexy (not to mention the writing system being a fuck of a lot more simple) I am going to watch this video.
Chinese culture is amazing...oldest continuous culture on the planet. And the Chinese language is also the oldest modern language. And old=awesome.
And the best thing yet about Chinese culture...dudes can carry fans and sing in an uncannily high voice (yes that is really that man's voice in the video...not a woman) and still be considered manly. I dig it. I really really dig it.
And before some of you uber educated folk (aka anyone with a relative grasp on Chinese culture/modern history) start protesting I realize that this is not in anyway actual example of traditional culture. In fact it is a fusion between western and eastern...which some might call it a bastardization...me....I think it is brilliant.
To go even further this time period that is referenced in the video was 清朝 The Qing Dynasty which is actually a rule of Manchus over China The Manchus are not actually considered Chinese per se. Regardless of the historical inaccuracies (which are abundant) this music video is still the shit.
And in a way, I think this song and video is pretty reflective of Taiwan's culture now. Referencing western styles yet keeping a distinct Taiwan flavor. Its kind of like the bread I eat here...who would think to put Mochi inside pastries? It is amazing when east meets west. Yummy and sexy.
So the artist is 周杰倫, English name Jay Chou. More about him here. I can say that Mr. Chou (according to my boyfriend, Wealen) is one of the most successful and richest recording artists in Taiwan. He does more than just sing: he writes, plays piano and cello, dances, models, directs films and music videos, etc. And I hear he is a good role model.
But yeah...so I asked Wealen 崴仁 if he wanted to grow a queue 辮子 (the long braid hair style) like the one Mr. Chou is rocking in the video...he just laughed at me. And said no. I think at the very least he could carry a fan and wear those cool silky shirts. That would satisfy my "rice queen" needs. :-)
That might be politically incorrect to say.
I am also curious if any you folks in the states are finding this video sexy. Or have I just been in Taiwan so long that I have change my concept of what is sexy. Which is totally possible. But seriously check the fan...does it do for you?
Also on another note: I like the fact that a imperialist general gets his ass kicked in this video by some crazy kung fu (historically misleading in a general sense...but so satisfying in my mind).
Special thanks to Bri (Brizzle) for introducing me to this song.
The last thing I will say is that I appreciate Mr. Chou for reminding me that sexy is all about the attitude. He is one talented man.
<3 :)