I was pretty excited when I found out the Chinese had a racial slur for white people (westerners.) This slur is 洋鬼子 Yang Gui Zi which translates to something like, "Foreign Devil." 洋 (yang) means ocean (where the white man came from) 鬼子(gui zi) is ghost or devil. So originally, I was really stoked because the race I belong to had an oppressive term I could reclaim. It made me feel hard, bad-ass, gangsta...so forth and so on. This line of thinking itself probably is a result from U.S. media's pimping of African American culture and glamorizing oppression. That aside, when in the company of my best friend Ero, I threw around the term 洋鬼子。I made her a her a CD and called it "Yang Gui Zi hip hop mix." A funny joke. I think I have even thrown around this term in my blog posts....no problem.
Part of the reason I liked the term is that I came over here to Taiwan with my U.S. privileges on my mind. This means that I know my countries historic love story with militarism and imperialism. I know that we have intentionally done some fucked up shit to other countries to ensure a giant share of the earths resources and our economic supremacy. I know that as a consequence of these fucked up things, as a U.S. citizen, I have a lots of privileges (economic, security, mobility, etc...). These privileges are unearned. Unless of course you consider blowing some one's brains out or coercion as fair ways to earn something. Yeah, I am a foreign devil...what of it?
But after being here in 高雄市 Kaohsiung, Taiwan for almost two months I have started to feel like a giant hideous bug that folks can't help but stare at. I have even developed an irrational fear of cellphones held above shoulder height. Perhaps many Taiwanese are farsighted and are merely texting their friends at extreme length from their face. Or maybe they are trying to take my picture? You may say, "oh, Katie that is crazy." It's not crazy. It happens all the time. If you are young and in the south of Taiwan, people (with manners) will ask for a picture with you. In fact, just talking to a sexy French man, Arnaud about this phenomena. Happens to him all the time. What do they do with the pictures?
At first it was a bit charming. I am an attention whore, (years of being a dancer) so I am like fuck yeah, I am exotic for the first time in my life. "Yeah bitches, sexy Caucasian rocking it in Taiwan." Take a picture, it will last longer---wait....please don't. This feeling faded about three weeks into my stay here. After many embarrassing moments speaking Chinese (feeling like a vulnerable five-year old child) and some straight-up animosity towards me because of my white face, I don't like the attention. Instead, I would really really really like to blend in. Add some culture shock to the mix and even the smallest tasks are a potential source of stress.
So keep this mind and fast forward to tonight, 11 PM or so. I am on the way to the campus' 7/11 to use the copy machine for one of my Chinese classes. I walk by the ATMs and I am reading from my Elementary Chinese Conversation book with the stupid looking Giraffe on it. The ATM area is empty and silent except for a couple of lovers (Taiwanese but I guess that goes without saying being I am in Taiwan.) They are withdrawing money and look over at me and I look up (probably smile but who knows?) And as I was about to fix my eyes on my book again I hear the girl say, "洋鬼子”(Yang Gui Zi). I would normally assume I heard wrong, but then the dude laughs and repeats "Yang Gui Zi." I am in a bit of shock, but I am positive of what I have heard. They didn't know my Elementary Conversation book has an index of insults (it doesn't by the way.) So, as I pass them by I say in a firm but definitely not angry voice , "我聽得懂 you assholes." (I understand what you said). I really couldn't look at them after that, I didn't turn around to see whats up. I am pretty sure they heard me but who knows? I turn the corner saying to myself, "shame on you....mother fuckers!" As the shock wears off I feel mad as I approach the 7/11 and I am holding back my angry response to use a word that starts with Ch- and ends in -inks. (Not the best of my moments but hey! I am just being honest here.)
This is an ugly side of this study abroad experience. This is not meant to be an "oh, poor me" story. I am actually recording this because I am soooooo fucking surprised that I actually got called a racial slur. Especially since this slur is horribly outdated. WOW! I am even more surprised at my emotional response. It was kind of like when you are in middle school and you are really, really insecure. You spend a lot of time in the mirror before school agonizing over your acne or your weight. And then you get to school and a really popular girl calls you fat and then the person next to her agrees. It was like that. Feels just like that in fact---only with racial connotations and a historical context of nation-state's cat-fights.
Now, I am just going to hang onto the possibility that I am somehow misunderstanding this situation. But I am positive of what I heard. I might be more careful with throwing this doozie of a word around in the future.
Sorry that happened Katie, guess there are assholes in every culture. Love Dad
ReplyDeleteHey I've been called way worse. ha ha. Not funny, but true. Love ya sis! Deana PS Uncle Dave had heart surgery and is doing ok.
ReplyDeleteWow: that sounds like a profound experience. I probably would have asked them if they knew how idiotic their statement sounded: considering I [you] are a very kind person unless properly provoked. Then proceeded to compare them to the most unintelligent animal I could think of.
ReplyDeleteLove you, Keep your head high; those fucktards have no clue who you are or what you are like.
Screw them, they didn't have the right.
-Love TJ :)