Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dropping the not that A-Bomb

Last night there was a pre-semester party put on by the international student association here at Zhong Shan (NSYSU). It was at fisherman's wharf on an outdoor patio right at the bay of the Taiwan straight. Banana and beer party. Free beer (and bananas.) Chatting with folks from all over the world...etc...etc. Very fun party, I will tell you what.

So, you always get asked where your from at these type of events. I usually say something like I am from "the states" which is a fashionable way to say the U.S. when you are overseas. Even back home I very careful about making the distinction that I am a U.S. citizen not an "American" despite the big propaganda campaign put on by the U.S. government post-9/11. Y'all remember that one right? I am an American! And I hate fucking terrorists (aka anyone not deemed appropriate by the U.S.), ya hear?!?!? Yeah, I don't buy that shit. There are other parts of America besides the U.S. (in case any of y'all were you know. Think: central and South America) Anyway, I was saying that all night. I am from "the states," with a couple folks looking slightly confused. One gentleman was like the U.S.A.? America? And had to clarify. America? America. Right.

Ok, so I finish my 第 一 瓶 臺 灣 的 啤 酒 (first bottle of Taiwanese beer) and I walk over to some of the folks from Panama and Paraguay since they happened to make up most of the group doing my favorite thing in the world: dancing。They ask, "Where are you from?" "I am from (yeah you can guess what I say) America (FUCK FUCK FUCK)." I must say they were all damn smooth in the situation all political baggage aside, "Everyone in this group is from America. What part?" How can one apologize for arrogance of 一 個 大 國 (a world power)? For freaky globalization and oppression, not to mention our historical (and current!) imperialism? You don't. This IS a party after all. You just have to apologize for the mistake in terminology. Acknowledge and discuss the political problem attached to it. And then spend the night shaking your ass with them.

Do I have the solution to this? No. Did I feel like an asshole? FUCK YES. Did I have an amazing time shimmying and grooving with a group of folks from all over the globe? You bethca! Never underestimate the power of dance as a universal language--one that unites a bunch of sweaty bodies in the sticky heat of Taiwan.

1 comment:

  1. beer and bananas? great theme. god bless america ya'll!
