Thursday, September 24, 2009

Is that a tennis racket? A sign of things to come...

Today I am in 家樂福 (Carre Four, a westernized shopping mart similar to walmart...only much better in my opinion) today with my Taiwanese friend, 環 樺 (English name Kelly) and Jin Ting, another student studying Chinese from Portland State. I am walking through the housewares and I come upon this contraption. At first glance I see, well...a tennis racket. On second the look I say to myself, that is the strangest tennis racket I have ever seen. What kind of tennis do they play here? Then I realize that this is not a tennis racket at all. But this is a "fly swatter." For what kind of insect....I don't want to know.

You know, my mom has a real talent for killing flies with the plastic fly-killing tools. My nephew, T.J. once said as a child, "Grandma you are the best fly swatter in the world. Even better than God." Indeed, better than God. I can only imagine the damage she could do with this puppy. Flies are turning over in their graves thinking about it. (Do flies have graves?)

You can get some kind of perception of the massive size of this fly-swatter is by checking out the plastic red one to the right of it. That plastic red one, is actually larger than a normal one you would see in the states and much longer. Is this an omen? Are the lotus are coming?
I gotta get mama one of these before returning to the flies beware.

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